Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The test results were not quite what we had hoped for....Mom's tumor marker had risen and the pancreatic tumor and lung lesions have shown slight grown. The doctor is concerned that the cancer has become immune to the current chemo treatment and has recommended switching to a new chemo drug. When the pharmacy doctor came into the room to explain the new chemo drug and its side- effects, he told Mom that she will most definitely lose her hair, and asked her how she felt about that. Mom said, "Well, my husband and I just celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary. I have always heard that the longer you live with someone the more you start to look like them. I have always hoped Jim would start to look more like me, but I guess I'm going to start looking like him." Right on cue, Dad took off his cap and showed the room his beautiful bald head, and everyone cracked up. God love our Trudie and her continual positive outlook on life. She continues to walk with her hand clasped firmly in God's. Mom has been blessed with 15 months of chemotherapy with very little side-effects. Please pray fervently that Mom can continue treatment with this new drug, and suffer little (or no) of the side-effects that come with the drug. Mom and Dad will continue to stay in Houston for the next few weeks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mom and Dad returned to Sugar Land yesterday. Today, Mom will spend a long afternoon at MD Anderson repeating her tests and scans. Results will be given by Dr. V tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for positive news, and continued strength.

Thank you to everyone in Waxahachie (and beyond it's borders) who provided food, friendship, yardwork, grocery shopping, and outpourings of love while Mom and Dad were home. Each and every one of you are a blessing and gift to our lives. God bless!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today is Jim and Trudie's 60th Wedding Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!! We are so proud of you, and love you so very much!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mom had a doctor's appointment last Thursday at MD Anderson. The doctor is a little concerned about Mom's weight loss and some of the symptoms she has been suffering. As a result, the doctor wants Mom to take a three week break from chemo before she has all her scans and tests repeated. comes the positive....Mom and Dad got to go home to Waxahachie for an extended stay. Getting home, and sleeping in her own bed, and being with her dear friends, has already made Mom feel much better.

If you wish to drop by for a visit, please give Mom and Dad a quick call first. And, please continue to keep Trudie in prayer that God will grant healing so that Mom can continue to work for Him.