Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mom's recent scans showed that the pancreatic tumor and lung lesions are stable. The doctors (with Mom's encouragement) thought it might be a good time for Trudie to take a break from chemo and go home. And...that's exactly what she and Dad did! They will be at home until late August, then Mom will return to Houston to have her scans repeated.

Trudie wants everyone to know that she is not hurting and feels "just fine"! She is happy to have some time away from chemo, hospitals, needles and tests. She does ask for continued prayers for strong health, high energy, and the ability to continue doing all the work for the Lord that she can possibly do. May God continue to hold Trudie in His loving is by His grace that she continues to live a wonderful, productive, and happy life in service for Him.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trudie and Jim returned to Sugar Land on Saturday...just in time for a wonderful family celebration of Dad's 85th birthday and Mother's Day! Praise God for family!!!

Mom had her 4th round of the stronger chemo on Monday, and continues to be blessed with no ill side-effects. She will have her scans and tests repeated next Wednesday, with a doctor's visit for results next Thursday. Please pray for positive results, so that Mom can continue to joyfully work and serve our God, who she loves so much.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just got off the phone with Mom and she is full of energy and joy. She's been back in Waxahachie since last week, and is loving every minute of it. Plus, God continues to bless her with no bad side-effects from the chemo. She and Dad will only be home until Saturday, then will return to Sugar Land in time for Mother's Day and Mom's next chemo treatment on Monday.

Dad's birthday is this Friday, May 6th....85 years old and going strong!!!! Praise God!