Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trudie and Jim have been counting days until tomorrow because they were supposed to leave early tomorrow morning for a two week Christmas trip to Connecticut. Chemo was on a 3 week break, airline tickets were purchased, and bags were packed. However, around 2:00 this afternoon Mom got the call that Aunt Ruby (her only surviving sibling) is in grave condition and not expected to live much longer. Being a woman who truly possesses a heart of Jesus, Mom does not want Ruby to be alone, and has made the unselfish decision to spend the next few days by Ruby's side instead of making the trip to Connecticut. While the last minute change of plans is disappointing, isn't this truly what Christmas is about. The ultimate gift at Christmas is the gift of love...through good times, bad times, beginnings and endings. Mom and Dad continue to amaze everyone with their strength of spirit and faith, and their unselfish love for others.

Mom and Dad will leave Houston early tomorrow morning and will be in Marshall by early afternoon. Dana is driving them there (he will then fly back to Houston). Please keep Mom, Dad and Dana in prayer as they make the trip to East Texas to spend this time with Ruby. Please keep Ruby in prayer that she feels peace and comfort during her remaining time on earth. God bless everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Trudie,
    You are such a special woman. I know you would love to be in Connecticut with Marsha and her family, but I can't imagine you not being with your sister. Bless your heart! I love you and miss being able to see you. Take care of yourself!
