Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jim and Trudie are thoroughly enjoying summer in Waxahachie...even though some rain and lower temperatures would make it a little nicer. Marsha, Clancey and Brogan came from Connecticut for a long visit. Glenn, Jess and Garna have come several times for visits and dinner. Kennie Beth Smith and her sisters came for a visit before heading to Florida. This past week, Sheila, Ashley, and four of Trudie's Sugar Land girlfriends all came for a two-night slumber party. It was 3-days and 2-nights of constant talking, giggling, and somehow managing to stay out of trouble. Trudie said it was great fun, and she's still sore from laughing so much. The past couple of days Trudie has been helping Pat at one of her estate sales. During their free time, Jim and Trudie have been spending time at church helping with the Pillow Ministry and Thursday Meals. nothing....stops our Jim and Trudie. God continues to bless them with health and energy, and they spend it loving and serving others, and appreciating those that love and serve them. God is so good....all praise for His blessings!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you are home! I've been telling Rick about summers at your house in Pleasant Grove - playing outside and wonderful homemade ice cream! It sounds like things are going really well. I am so thankful for that. I am going to Houston with Rick the first of August. He will be working at a bank there and I will be wandering around. It's been years since I've been there. I'm guessing you won't be there, so assume that's good and means you won't be having treatments. Give Jim Wright a big hug and kiss for me. Love you both! Susan
