Monday, February 1, 2010

Back in Sugar Land

Mom and Dad sure enjoyed their time at home in Waxahachie. They got to spend time with neighbors, friends, and family. Glenn, Jess and Garna came down, brought a delicious dinner, and pampered Mom and Dad while they were home. Garna even taught Mom a few tricks on Mom's new cell phone....oh the young, they can so easily figure these things out.

Mom and Dad have been back in Sugar Land for a week. Sheila picked them up in Waxahachie for the drive back, and took them on lots of little "field trips" along the way. Mom and Dad both said that "veering off the beaten path" and seeing places they had never seen before was a fun way to make the drive.

Mom went for her third IV chemo treatment last Thursday. Once again, we praise and thank God for helping her continue to receive treatments with no ill side-effects. She gets a little tired afterwards, but she still has more energy than all of us put together.

Dad also made a trip to M.D. Anderson today to have some skin cancers looked at and biopsied. The doctors and nurses at M.D. Anderson are so gifted and talented. The doctor today made Dad feel like he was the only patient she had. She "got" Dad's sense of humor, the two of them were quite a pair, apparently. A stressful and long day was filled with teasing, laughing, and healing. What a blessing!!!

We continue to thank everyone for all the cards, calls, visits and outpourings of love. Your friendship and devotion strengthens and bolsters us all. God's love and blessings to everyone! God is so good. He proves it every day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Trudie and Jim! It was great to see you post info on your past week. I'm glad to see that both of your treatments went well and spirits are high. It is good to see that Jim is in his normal form. Thanks for the invite for Sunday Lunch the day before y'all left, Sharon and I really enjoyed it. I hope Trudie is living up to her legend of "World Champ" in all the games she plays. In case the cards turn on you or your kids gang up on you, let me share my theory of winning with you. You know, I'm pretty good at the games that I play also. Monday evening, the day y'all left, Sharon and I played a card game we have not played in 25 years. I won the first game and then she shut me out in six straight games. What I did was, I put the game back up for another 25 years with all the other games she beats me at. I guess you can tell I don't play many games. She won't play one on one basketball or tackle football, so I consider me the champ in those. Ummmmmmmm, I wonder if she is still no good in Sumo Wrestling? Enjoy your week and remember that you are remembered!! Tommy
