Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back in Waxahachie!!!!

Marsha reporting again, and will be reporting for a while because......Mom and Dad got to go home to Waxahachie today!!! Yup, they packed up Dad's new hearing aides, jumped in the car with their granddaughter, Ashley, and headed home! They will be returning to Houston, and the comforts of Dana and Sheila's house, on Monday the 25th. Mom and Dad don't have a computer at their house, so I promised Mom I would update the blog while she was away from modern technology. I will also be reading her "comments" to her daily, so please feel free to continue leaving her messages....especially you, Tommy Medford, because they're hysterical.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, love and support. Whether you are a long-time friend or a new one, someone who knows my folks, or someone who just knows "about" many of you have been praying, and we see God's answer in how well Mom is doing right now. Little buddy next door and give Trudie a big hug from all of us!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel again, one of Sheila's monday night bible study girls....Wow! So glad you guys got to make it home for a few days. I know Sheila and Dana have been taking wonderful care of you both, but there is nothing like the familiarity of your own home! I'm sure your friends love having you back closeby as well.
    I loved the comment the Trudie is a BEAST. Its funny how terms change over the years and I'm only 27! It keeps life interesting though.
    Well, we're still praying! Thank you for being such a great reminder about how God answers prayers
