Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Guess what Jim got yesterday? Hearing aids!!! He loves being able to hear everything. We went to see the movie "Blind Side" last night and he was able to hear every word. He could even talk to Marsha on the cell phone without using the speaker phone. Guess I'm going to have to start watching what I say, cause now he'll hear me.

I'm going for my second round of chemo tomorrow. While your loving thoughts and prayers make me feel so loved and strong, please also take a moment to pray for all the poor people in Haiti who are suffering so much right now. God continues to love and care for all of us, and we are all in His hands.


  1. Good afternoon! I know you are probably at the hospital right now, I hope everything is going very good for all of y'all today. I know your kids are seeing you through the chemo treatment today, they're great. I have one thing for Jim.....Hey Jim......" CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??" I said " CAN YOU HEAR ME KNOW??????" Love Y'all, Tommy.

  2. It is Thursday evening and hopefully your
    day of treatment has been over for a while.
    Just wanted you to know we are keeping up
    with you at church and Stacey is really
    keeping in touch with Dana. You are in our
    prayers each day. Love you loads.
    Love you all. Delores & bernice

  3. Hi Trudie! My name is Gretchen and my husband's name is Gordon. We are blessed to be able to call your son, Dana, and his wife Shelia our friends. We are so sad that you are having to go through all this cancer stuff! We have been praying for you and hope to meet you soon. I am glad to hear about Jim's hearing aids! The fact that he can hear more is going to cut into his nap time. From the pictures of Jim, it appears that he has been getting in some quality nap time at the hospital. I am so glad that he has been able to join you at the hospital, even though he is asleep most of the time (ha! I am just teasing!). Well, I have enjoyed reading your blog and I am thankful that you are surrounded by lots of people that love you & Jim. Hope to see you soon! Gretchen Ware

  4. Yeah!! Glad to hear that your Jim will be able to hear better. Hope he gets use to the hearing aid without any problems. Call me when you have some time, would love to hear from you. Sandra
