Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year Begins Like This...

We arrived at MD Anderson around 1:00 today for blood work and Mom's first 7-hour round of chemo. After the blood work, we were told to take Trudie to the May Clinic for her chemo, which is probably about 3 blocks away from the Main Building, but can be reached by a very long skywalk. Because it is Saturday, no shuttles were running, so we made the long walk, stopping a few times to let Dad rest. We finally reached the May Clinic, and were promptly told we were in the wrong place and needed to return to the Main Building. Dana and Marsha put Mom and Dad in wheelchairs for the return trip, and promptly started having wheelchair races all the way back. Dana and Dad won...but they always cheat! Mom finally started chemo around 5:00 and by 9:00 she was saying she was tired of just lying around and was ready to get up and go home. Unfortunately, that won't happen until around 11:30p.m. Everything has gone well, with only minor discomforts during the chemo treatment. Marsha accused her of making-up the fact that her feet were tingling and going numb just so Marsha would stand at the end of her bed and massage her feet and legs for an hour. Please pray that Trudie has a peaceful and restful night, and that tomorrow brings no discomforts or miserable side-effects. Thank you to everyone for all your loving thoughts and prayers. That, and God's love, sustains us. A happy and blessed 2010 to everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trudie!!!

    I love your blog. "Truly Trudie" is a perfect title. Miss you! Enjoyed reading your "About Me"....didn't know you couldn't tell a joke. I can't either! Does Jim know you referred to him as "lumpy"..hehe.

    I have a blog also. I think they are great fun.

    I am praying for you daily and you are in my thoughts!

    I will be checking your blog daily for updates.
    Love ya,
