Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our prayers are being far Mom hasn't had any significant side-effects from her first round of chemo. Yesterday, she helped Sheila take down and store all her Christmas decorations. Today, she felt good enough to go to church. Our good friend, James Beam, has nicknamed her "Trooper Trudie", and he's right. She's going strong. Mom sends her love to everyone, and is enjoying reading the blog "posts".


  1. Howdy Trudy and Jim!! It has been great reading your updates, however, I have no clue how to reply to them. About the only thing I can do on a computer is turn it on and read emails. Within the last month, I think I SENT my first email, I'm not sure. Who knows where these things go after they go to outer space, bounce off a satellite made by the lowest bidder, and hopefully bounces back towards earth. I never heard of a Blog until yours. It sounds like some 1950's movie made by Japan........I can tell your kids are taking great care of y'all by reading your updates. I know all your kids and grandkids are great simply by who y'all are and how you've talked about them in the past. You know, a great man ( James Medford ) always said "the best thing a parent can do for their children is to be a Christian and love their mate". Well, there y'all are, what else can I say! I can tell Jim is getting plenty of rest by the pictures. That is the way I remember him when we were working togather getting food from the Food Bank for the Church.........I don't know if you will get this message after I sent it to out space, I had to call Debbie in the Church office to get instructions how to do this. She made it sound so simple, but hey, she doesn't know who she is dealing with. Thanks for the updates, Love Y'all!!.......... P.S. If God had intended for us to use computers, he would have put one in the Garden Of Eden so Adam and Eve could keep up with all their friends!!!

  2. Trudie & Jim,
    We really miss you at church. We hope you are doing well after your treatment. You are a special couple, and we have been praying for you. I feel like you are in a good place for your treatment. God is with you both. We love you.

    Sam & LaRue

  3. Hello - just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Hope you are feeling as well as you can while taking the chemo. I am praying for you and Jim and your family and can't wait to see you when you get to return home.

  4. Trudie and Jim,

    Well, I hope the umpteenth time is the charm. I have been trying to post a comment for a couple of days and it has not gone through.

    We just want you to know that we love you and are praying for you. We know your family is taking good care of you. We look forward to seeing you back home again.

    Love you,
    D. F. and Shirley

  5. You know how much we love you two. You are truly an inspiration to both of us. Without a doubt, you are at the best place you could be for the special treatment that MD Anderson can provide. We miss you very much, and are anxious for you to get back home.

  6. Not 5 minutes a day goes by that I don't think of you and send you hugs! I am so glad that you are there and surrounded by so many who love you. You are in great hands. This blog is terrific. Loving the pictures! Hugs, hugs and more hugs!

    Love, Beverly

  7. Dear Trudie & Jim,
    We love you and have been praying for you
    daily. You are like family to us and love
    you as much as if we really were. We pray
    for you, Jim, Dana & Family and Marcia & Family
    and all your other family. We hope you will
    be home soon, but want you to be where you
    get the best care. As you know we have much
    experience with MD Anderson and think it is
    a great place. Miss getting our hugs on Sunday
    night. You know you can call on us for anything.
    Love, Delores & Bernice

  8. Hi there, Miss Trudie. You know you are my favorite mother-in-law! I've been praying for you every day and know that God is watching you real close right now so you better be good!

    I love you the most,
    Kevin (your favorite son-in-law)

  9. Trudie, I only found out about your situation yesterday and I'm so sorry you and your very precious hubby are having to go through this. I love you both and you will be in my prayers. Give Jim and Dana a big ole hug from me! Randy Smith

  10. Trudie and Jim, we are praying for you and we love you guys. I have added you to our prayer list on the Gregg Pearson Foundation website, We will get as many prayers as we can going up on your behalf! The more the merrier! Please let us know if we can help in any way. Dana and Sheila, we love yall and are here to support you in any way we can! I pray Romans 15:13 for you:
    "May the God of hope fill you will a joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!"

  11. Well here came Wednesday again, and I hope it found y'all doing excellent. I know you and Jim are really enjoying your stay there with your kids. You are so lucky they live there instead of some other country like.....Connecticut(I had to look up in the dictionary to see how to spell it). You will be missed when we get to Church tonight, your pew will not look the same. Last Sunday night I looked over and back to where y'all sit and it looked like Mike and Nancy Arnold were sitting in YOUR PEW. I spoke to them later and they said they were in the row in fromt of yours, I think I scared them, I bet they get further away tonight. Always remember we are thinking of y'all and praying for you. Love Y'all!!.........Oh, try this. Rootie,Tootie,Fresh, and Fruity Trooper Truly Trudie. Tell Jim to say that 10 times while hoping on one foot, patting his head, and rubbing his belly. By, Tommy
